Southeast Navigator Network Survey Step 1 of 5 20% Thank you for taking the time to help us understand your community.Responses to this survey will be compiled and used by the Navigators in Geos Institute’s Southeast Navigator Network project. Your personal information will not be shared or sold. Any information used publicly from these surveys will be anonymized and aggregated to protect your personal information. This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Name(Required) First Last Organizational AffiliationTitle / RoleGroup Response Check here if multiple people are submitting this survey together Please list the names, organizational affiliations, and titles of each person represented in these responses(Required)What type of organization do you represent?Select the most appropriate response Community Member (Individual) Community-Based Organization Business/Private Sector Academic Government/Public Sector Tribal Government Other Where are you located? City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Enter the CDRZ Tract ID number provided to you from the Navigator(Required)This is an 11-digit number, with no spaces or special characters. Climate Change Impacts in Your CommunityThe following questions ask about the level of concern your community has about climate change, and whether you or other community members are already observing the impacts of climate change. In answering these questions, please do your best to select the answer that you think best represents the general views of your community, rather than your own beliefs about climate change. Feel free to add additional notes, context, or examples in the text box below each question.1. Is your community concerned about climate change? Community is not willing to discuss climate change Community generally acknowledges climate change as a potential issue, but has not yet seriously considered how it might affect the community Community generally agrees that climate change is a concern but sees it as a future problem Community generally agrees that climate change is a concern as both an urgent current issue and a future problem 1. CommentsProvide any comments or explanation of your response above2. What is your community’s level of concern about the impacts of climate change? Community is not willing to discuss climate change Low Moderate High 2. CommentsProvide any comments or explanation of your response above3. Which climate stressors are of concern to your community?Not concernedConcernedHurricanesFloodingHeatwavesFireDroughtSea Level RiseExtreme precipitationOther (please describe below)3. CommentsPlease describe any other climate stressors your community is concerned about or explain your selections above4. Which climate stressors are already impacting your community?No impactsMild impactsModerate impactsSevere impactsHurricanesFloodingHeatwavesFireDroughtSea Level RiseExtreme precipitationOther (please describe below)4. Comments Climate Change Action in Your CommunityThe following questions ask about actions related to climate change that may be happening in your community, especially those focused on adaptation (i.e., actions focused on helping the community prepare for or cope with the impacts of climate change). Feel free to add additional notes, context, or examples in the text box below each question.5. Is the community taking action related to climate change? Community is not willing to discuss climate change Community has not yet discussed climate change action Community conversation (formal or informal) has occurred but no action has yet been taken Community has a greenhouse gas emissions reduction plan Community has a climate adaptation plan Community has implemented greenhouse gas reduction actions Community has implemented adaptation actions Community has or is part of a Hazard Mitigation Plan Other community efforts (please describe below) 5. CommentsPlease describe any other climate change related actions happening in your community or explain your selections above6. What goals does your community have for these climate change related actions? What outcomes is your community hoping to achieve?7. Do you feel that the members of your community working on climate change action know how to access the climate information, resources, data, and/or support needed to accomplish these goals? No Yes (please describe below) CommentsPlease explain your response above and, if possible, list the top resources being used to support this workCommunity Challenges and OpportunitiesThese questions ask about factors that may help or hinder the ability of your community to build climate resilience. Feel free to add additional notes, context, or examples in the text box below each question.8. What are the biggest challenges that your community is already dealing with, outside of the context of climate change? Lack of affordable housing High levels of homelessness Inadequate transportation systems and/or infrastructure Shortage of well-paying jobs Limited access to healthy, affordable food Shortage of fresh, clean water for drinking and other uses Poor air quality Limited access to affordable health care Insufficient education system Contaminated sites/brownfields Lack of services/businesses to support community Other (please describe below) 8. CommentsPlease describe any other challenges faced in your community or explain your selections above9. What factors may support your community in taking action to reduce the risks of climate change? Supportive local elected officials Engaged community process Stakeholder/partner relationships (e.g., businesses, organizations, other jurisdictions/agencies) Community leaders/champions focused on climate State or local climate policy/mandates Previous efforts to address these challenges in the community have increased awareness of issues Sufficient staff capacity and time to address climate-related issues Other (please describe below) 9. CommentsPlease describe any other factors that may support your community in reducing risks (and climate vulnerability) or explain your selections above10. What are the most significant barriers to building community resilience to climate change? Lack of supportive local officials Lack of community engagement Lack of community concern No state or local policy mandate Resilience not a community priority (other issues more pressing) Politically unpalatable Insufficient staff capacity and time to address climate-related issues Other (please describe below) 10. CommentsPlease describe any other barriers to building community resilience or explain your selections above Building Climate Resilience in CDRZ CommunitiesThis last set of questions asks about your community's familiarity with the Community Disaster Resilience Zone designation and climate resilience building process.11. Were you aware that your community had one or more CDRZ designation(s)? No Yes 11. Comments12. Do you know what a Community Disaster Resilience Zone (CDRZ) designation entails? No Yes 12. Comments13. Has your community taken advantage of any CDRZ designation benefits to date? No Not yet, but intend to Yes Unsure 13. CommentsPlease explain why your community has not taken advantage of any benefits13. CommentsPlease describe the benefits your community is taking advantage of, or intending to take advantage of14. Can you envision what a climate resilience building process would look like for your community? No Somewhat, have a general sense but not a clear understanding of how to undertake this Yes, know exactly what this would look like and how to get there Yes, have already begun 14. Comments15. Have you or other members of your community received training or already gained experience in the process of building climate resilience? No Unsure Some individuals in the broader community have training or experience Some individuals in local government have training or experience Community-wide training has been held in the past 15. Comments16. Do you or other members of your community have experience including social equity in community planning efforts? No Unsure Some individuals in the broader community have training or experience Some individuals in local government have training or experience This is a stated priority for the community 16. Comments17. Do you or other members of your community have experience including nature-based solutions in community planning efforts? No Unsure Some individuals in the broader community have training or experience Some individuals in local government have training or experience This is a stated priority for the community 17. Comments18. Is your community part of a regional resilience network? No Yes (please describe below) 18. Comments