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Task Category: Identify Vulnerabilities

Task 3: Develop Vulnerability Assessment Report

The information collected at the workshop will now be analyzed and organized into a final report that identifies and prioritizes your community’s climate-related vulnerabilities. This report serves as the basis for Step 4 – Develop and Prioritize Resilience Strategies.

Detailed information about this task can be found in the chapter of the Guide that covers Step 3.


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Please take a moment to evaluate and help us improve the materials for this task.

Task 2: Facilitate Workshop

This task focuses exclusively on ensuring a successful vulnerability assessment workshop. Data collection is a particularly important part of this step so you will put in place several systems to ensure that breakout group feedback is captured and participants end the day feeling hopeful.

Detailed information about this task can be found in the chapter of the Guide that covers Step 3.


Creating Your Vulnerability Assessment Spreadsheet

Tutorial key points

*Please note: Some of the templates have been recently updated and specific details may not match what is seen in the Guide or tutorial videos. 


  • Breakout Group Instructions: Use this handout in the workshop and to send in the participant packet. It explains the categories of information the breakout groups will need to provide. (Note that this has been updated since the Guide was last published and is slightly different from what is presented in the Guide and tutorial video.) 
  • List of supplies: Here is a starter list of supplies you will need for the workshop.

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Please take a moment to evaluate and help us improve the materials for this task.

Task 1: Prepare for the Vulnerability Assessment Workshop

Hosting a day long vulnerability assessment workshop successfully requires significant planning. In this Task you will identify and invite workshop participants, develop the agenda, create a workshop support team, and handle the logistics for the workshop.

Detailed information about this task can be found in the chapter of the Guide that covers Step 3.


Communicating about climate change

Tutorial key points

*Please note: Some of the templates have been recently updated and specific details may not match what is seen in the Guide or tutorial videos


Relevant Other Services


Please take a moment to evaluate and help us improve the materials for this task.