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Task Category: Finalize Plan

Task 2: Finalize the Plan

Building on earlier engagement efforts in this process, you and your taskforce will offer the draft Climate Resilience Plan to elected officials and the community for feedback, integrate that feedback into the draft, and issue the final Climate Resilience Plan.

Detailed information about this task can be found in the chapter of the Guide that covers Step 5.

This task does not contain any templates or tutorials.

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Task 1: Develop the Draft Climate Resilience Plan

The various primers and reports you have been creating in this process are components of your Climate Resilience Plan. In this task, you will bring them together into a draft plan and develop implementation steps for each of the strategies identified in the plan.

Detailed information about this task can be found in the chapter of the Guide that covers Step 5.


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Please take a moment to evaluate and help us improve the materials for this task.