Resilience Planning Resources: Getting Started
Organizations to Foster Learning and Connection
- American Society of Adaptation Professionals (ASAP): – ASAP is a professional association with the mission to support and connect climate change adaptation professionals while advancing innovation in the field.
- Association of Climate Change Officers (ACCO): – ACCO is a community of practice that provides training and learning opportunities, links regional efforts and members, and provides access to tools and resources.
- Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE): – CAKE is an innovative community of practice that aims to build a shared knowledge base for managing natural and built systems in the face of rapid climate change.
- Georgetown Climate Center: – The nonpartisan Georgetown Climate Center advances effective climate and energy policies in the U.S. and serves as a resource to state and local communities addressing climate change.
Other Guides and Frameworks
Resources on Building Equitable Climate Resilience
Climate Change Literacy and Education
Resources on Outreach and Engagement
- Apathy is Boring’s Top Ten Tools for Engaging with Millennials and Generation Y – From pages 10-12 in the 2017 Report “Dear Municipalities, From Millennials.“
- QuestionPro offers a suite of features and question types – all for free. Online surveys are an important community engagement tool.
Nature-based Solutions
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